Maria Gené Gil, Language Services

How can I contact you to request information or a quote, and hire your services?

You may contact me with no obligation by calling or sending a WhatsApp to (+34) 605 421 698 or by writing to mglingua@gmail.com. The entire process can be done remotely from the comfort of your home or office, without any need to travel. Job orders and deliveries are fulfilled via e-mail. In this sense, I can offer my services to clients across Spain and overseas. If you require a sworn translation, I can send it to you in digital format (.pdf with an electronic signature) via e-mail or, if you prefer, in hard copy with the original stamp and handwritten signature (both options are fully and legally valid). In the latter instance, delivery would preferably take place by via courier or, if you would like, you may come and pick up the final document in person.

Which languages do you translate and edit?

I translate from English to Spanish, English to Catalan, Catalan to Spanish and Spanish to Catalan. I edit and proof texts in Spanish and Catalan. The languages into which I translate and edit (Spanish and Catalan) are my native languages. Therefore, and with a view to ensuring the accuracy and quality of my services, I do not offer back translations (i.e. from one of my native languages into a foreign language); nor do I edit or proof texts in other languages.

What if I need to translate or edit a text in another language?

Unlike translation agencies, I only accept work that I can undertake personally in the combinations set out in the last question. In this sense, when you hire me, you can be assured of direct, personal service without any intermediaries. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any special requirements and I will attempt to provide you with advice and put you in touch with the most suitable professional, where applicable.

What is a sworn translation?

A sworn translation is a translation that has an official nature and is legally valid. In Spain, these types of translations can only be done by duly authorised professionals such as sworn translators, who comply with a series of requirements and/or have passed the examinations set by the relevant public authority (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or, for Catalan, the Catalan Government). Personally, I am an authorised sworn translator for English to Catalan and Catalan to Spanish (and vice-versa). With sworn translations, the translator certifies the accuracy of the translation with regard to the original document by including their official stamp and signature (either handwritten or electronic). We could say that a sworn translator acts as a notary public with regard to translation. In this vein, sworn translations come with higher fees.

When is a sworn translation necessary?

A sworn translation is required where the translation needs to be official and legally valid. Therefore, a sworn translation is generally needed where you have to submit documentation to a public authority that is written in a non-official or non-accepted language at this authority. In this sense, any type of text may require sworn translation, not just legal texts. At times, clients may want a sworn translation as an additional quality assurance step, regardless of whether they intend to submit it to a public body or not. If you have any queries, please contact me.

How can I pay?

Normally, payments are made via bank transfer or Bizum, and paid after the service is completed and the relevant invoice has been issued. In certain instances, a small deposit on account may be required when accepting and confirming a quote. For hand-delivered sworn translations, you may also pay in cash when collecting the translation, if you prefer (as long as current Spanish law allows it). If you have any queries, please contact me.

What are your rates?

My rates depend on the type of service required (translation, sworn translation, editing or language consultancy), the length, type and level of specialisation of the text, the delivery deadline, the document format, any specific requirements, etc. In this sense, I am unable to provide a set quote without seeing the text to translate or edit. As a general rule, rates are on a per word basis for the original document wordcount. At times, the target document wordcount may be used (normally for sworn translations or where the original is in a non-editable format). At others, rates are on a per-page (typically for publishing translation projects) or per-hour basis (especially for language consultancy services). Please feel free to contact me for a free, no-obligation, tailored quote for the service you require. Please state whether you have any special requirements or whether your project includes any specific feature. I will get back to you in under 24 hours (on working days).

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